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All about Barcelona restaurants and Spanish wine

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

Gente en Barcelona: Allozo 2001

Former Article: Hoya de Cadenas
Back article: Auzells 2008

"A personal line"

D.O: Montsant
Type: White with breeding 13%
Varieties: Tempranillo
Aprox. prix: 4,5€
Producer: Bodegas Centro Españolas

Past week's article we spoke about the levantina apellation Utiel-Requena, today it's turn to its neighbor La Mancha, the biggest national wine-making zone, as much in extension of crop as in production of grape and much in front of two more popular apellations like La Rioja or Ribera del Duero.

Near 200.000 hectares of terrain where different varietals are grown, among those it undoubtedly highlights Airén, the native white grape of the zone and Cencíbel, a local name which they use for the widespread Tempranillo.

"Allozo" exemplifies the peculiarities of this variety, which shows slightly different from the habitual taste, of greater density and drier, in a very personal line.

Original article (Spanish): www.logbares.com
Catalan version in www.logbares.cat